So we spent four great days at the beach and then we had to come home for an afternoon before we headed to Gatlinburg, TN for a week. Of course, on the afternoon we were home and into the evening all I did was laundry. (Actually, I had to come home early to attend a seminar for work). The mountains were filled with lots of fun filled days and evenings with extended family. The trip was shared with Scott's immediate and extended family (his parents, sister & family, grandma, aunt, cousins and cousin's children). Luckily, for all of us we had two houses. The house we stayed in was the "Light House".

I don't think any of the adults even got into the hot tub but the kids sure seemed to enjoy themselves.

The kids had a blast riding go-karts with Scott, going to Dollywood & Dixie Stampede, and Wonder Works...among other things. Here are just a few pictures of the highlights.

Just in case you didn't understand how many people were on this trip here everyone is right before we went into the Dixie Stampede.

Here the kids are at Dollywood.

Scott had to pay Lexi, after he lost a bet that she would scream on the ride that drops you straight down from waaayyyy to high in the sky.

Just a few more, these are from Wonder Works - which was a great mix of education and fun. So you walk into the place - it's upside down and all you hear is some creaking noises, as if the building is teetering from side to side.

We experienced an earthquake and mid-level hurricane force winds. Scott even laid on a bed of nails. Anyone believe he said it didn't even hurt???

Look closely, because those nails are extending out of the plexiglass about 2-3 inches.
The background in this picture was too beautiful not to include and plus it had Nana. (I think this is her first appearance on the blog).