We arrived in Virginia this past Saturday and have been busy, busy, busy - ever since we arrived. I decided to split this up into a couple segments because it's too much to post all in one sitting. But first, I'm sure some of you are wondering about our actually trip from SC to VA and I'm glad to report Lexi only asked the inevitable question a handful of times. Unfortunately, I can not say the same for Brayden, I think he asked, "When are we going to be at Grandma and Grandpa's?" every five minutes. I'll admit that might be a little bit of an exaggeration but that's how it seemed for the brief 8.5 hour ride. Even if he only said it 5 times an hour that is over 40 times...too much for the average person to handle.
On Sunday we drove to Maryland to see Kooza. It was one h#@* of a trip. A ride which should have taken us 30 minutes was almost 2 hours because the directions were sooo simple we went almost completely around the Beltway before we turned around and finally found the Woodrow Wilson Bridge and a remote place called National Harbor (home to Kooza).

Kooza for those of you who are wondering what in the world I am talking about is a production by Cirque Du Soleil. It is a circus, but not your average, run of the mill kind of circus. It doesn't have any animals but it does have all of the acrobatic acts and clowns. My mom and I talked about going to see the show but little did I know it would under a BIG TENT!! It was huge and amazing to see in person. So much so, I decided to include it for all of you guys to see...
My mom, Lexi, Brayden and I had fun during the intermission seeing all of the souvenirs. The masks we tried on ranged in price from $12 to $200+. Who would buy that????? As I say that though, who would buy lip balm for $7 - that's right no one else but Grandma. And of course, Brayden and Lexi each had to have their own. You know the Rogers' kids have to get a souvenir from
everywhere they go or Grandma and Grandpa go.

Needless to say we all enjoyed the show. It was amazing to watch Brayden and Lexi's expressions change as we watched the show. There was no doubt they loved it as much everyone else. On the way home, we talked about who like what the best and here are the results...Grandma liked the three girls who are way more flexible than God ever intended anyone to be, Grandpa liked the man who did tricks on 8 chairs, which he stacked on top of one another, Brayden liked the guys who did flips off of the see-saw and landed on some guys shoulders, Lexi liked the man who did flips on stilts (besides the Bendable Girls - this is one of the craziest stunts I had ever seen) and Scott and I liked the two guys who did tricks inside and outside of two large cylinders that kept spinning around - way too fast for anyone to attempt tricks on.
If Kooza, or any of the other Circque Du Soleil shows, comes to a town near you, consider checking into it. I will forewarn tickets are a little pricey but good thing for us, Christmas came early in Virginia this year. Thanks mom and dad for the early Christmas present, we really enjoyed it.